Can a single fast XMOS link (5-wire) be changed to two slow Topic is solved

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Can a single fast XMOS link (5-wire) be changed to two slow

Post by srskillman »

I am using the XMOS startKITs for a new project.  I would like to connect 6 boards to a "master" board and utilize XMOS links to accomplish the communication between boards (meshed).  In order for the "master" board to connect to 6 other boards, I would need to be able to split out the three 5-wire links down to two 2-wire each for a total of 6.  I read a lot of XMOS documentation and the only thing actually stated is that when switching from 5 to 2-wire configuration, the remaining unused ports can be GPIO.

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Post by Redeye »

In a nutshell, no. You only have a given number of links, depending on what package/device you're using. You can use those links in 2 or 5 wire mode but you can't change the number of links. Have a look at the port maps on the datasheets and it'll probably make it a bit clearer.