questions about timers

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questions about timers

Post by pasau »

hi there! i got a few questions

First of all, about the usb reference guide, it says the application can run in internal clock mode, using a timer. so the timer would generate a master clock, which would clock some ports. But what i don't get is how can a timer generate a clock , unless you ask a thread to clock a 1 bit port based on interrupts from the timer and then clock a clockblock from the port but that seems a little bit far fetched.

Second, i would like to synchronize the generated clock from a master timer which is on a different tile using xconnect because both tiles have an audio task that must be performed at the same rate. I am thinking to send interrupts from the master timer to the thread driving a clockblock (assuming i must use a thread for this) and send the timer value as interrupt data.

Well i am basically in search of some ideas, what would you do for the problems mentioned above? TYVM