Ethernet+TCP Separate MAC Broken? Topic is solved

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Ethernet+TCP Separate MAC Broken?

Post by Redeye »

I've downloaded the sc_xtcp code v3.2.0rc0 and am trying to get the app_webserver_separate_mac application running. I've tried 3 different boards (2 custom boards + the AVB demo board) all of which run app_simple_webserver with no problems. But when I run app_webserver_separate_mac the application compiles fine and appears to be running but doesn't seem to be making any attempt to get an IP address either using DHCP or AutoIP.Can anyone replicate this problem? Or suggest things to try? I'm a bit stuck until I can get this running...
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Post by Redeye »

Just in case anyone comes across the same problem I did find a solution to this.

In the main() function I replaced :

eth_phy_config(1, smi);

ethernet_server(mii, null, mac_address, c_mac_rx, 1, c_mac_tx, 1);

with :

ethernet_server_full(mii, smi, mac_address, c_mac_rx, 1, c_mac_tx, 1);

and that seems to work with no problems.

I've not looked into any more detail why the XMOS official released code doesn't work. It looks like it's never been tested as it certainly doesn't work on the AVB demo board without doing the above code change. Which is pretty annoying.