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Reference design code modification for blinking LEDs?

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 12:32 am
by rlim
Hello. I have been playing around with the L1 reference board for a while, and am now trying to get one of the LEDs to toggle whenever there is a packet size change indicating to the host to speed up or slow down.

I know this sounds simple enough, but when looking at the xc code, it's a frightening affair for someone new to xc and usb protocol. Can someone point me to where I can insert LED code? I am looking at 'handle_audio_request' where there's a reference to 'c_led', and within this function, there are empty conditional if statements referencing 'DEBUG_LEDS'. Can someone elaborate with example code of how one can use these, and if it's related to my request above.

Thanks in advance,

Re: Reference design code modification for blinking LEDs?

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 10:44 am
by Ross
Hi there, did you get this going?

My first reaction is that this will happen so often that you will not see the output properly on a LED..