For your kind support - Abdullah Kamel

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For your kind support - Abdullah Kamel

Post by abdullahkamel »

Hello Everyone,

My name is Abdullah. I’m a student in my last year of graduation at College of Engineering, Department of Electronics and communication.

One of my scope of work is in microphone array as a software and hardware aspect and I'm very interested to have my graduation project on this topic.

I know that XMOS is one of the best companies in this field. I am writing this post seeking your advice, If you can guide me to a new technology/devices in microphone array that you want to invest with and that I can do my research and trial on it, so I can use it to my graduation project and what are the topics you think I need to read about before we start the working on the project?

Thank you for reading this post, I believe that huge success come from small ideas and I hope that I can create one someday.
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Joined: Thu Apr 10, 2014 4:42 pm

Post by qiusongxiao »

Design XMOS microphone array board and just do it.